School Motto, Greeting and Hymn
School Motto
“Initium Sapientiae Timor Domini” (Prov. 9:10)
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”
School Greeting
Praised be Jesus and Mary!
Now and forever!
School Hymn
The school we love, St. Mary’s is her name.
She stands a statue great and strong.
She holds our hands and guides us through this world,
By keeping us all sound and strong.
She molds our souls by teaching us the faith.
She molds our minds and bodies, too.
She’s all what a mother is- She’s our beloved SMA!
Let’s hold her high and lift her to the heights,
Let’s fight for her and love her all that time.
Now open your hearts to her, dear SMA.
St. Mary’s Academy
She’s a true Alma Mater dear
St. Mary’s Academy She’s a school and a home all in one.
St. Mary’s Academy
let her blue and her white banner fly
Let her live in all our hearts and lips
Let St. Mary’s Academy ever lives.
“AM” stands for “Ave Maria” in praise of our Blessed Mother Mary,
the Patroness of the RVM Congregation. The stars which surround the monogram (AM) represent the God-given prerogatives of Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church. The rays signify the light and wisdom from God through Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. The sampaguita beneath the book, being the national flower, is symbolic of the RVM being a Filipino Congregation. The stars represent our Lady’s many virtues.
At the center of the seal is an open book which bears the Latin inscription, “Initium sapientiae timor Domini.” This means “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov. 2:6). It expresses filial fear, a disposition of profound reverence, awe and love for God, the Source of all wisdom, grace and life.